Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Merry-early Christmas everyone!

So, I am totally in the holiday spirit... but my uterus is definitely NOT!
So the baby thing was a no go again this month. I went online yesterday and totally obsessed over ANYTHING that would get me pregnant sooner. If there was something out there that could get me pregnant NOW, I would have bought it. I did however buy some vitamins that are well known to help. As I was filling my huge pill box I was reminded of how desperate Matt and I have gotten. I am now taking my thyroid pill, 2 Asai extract vitamins, 2 Vitamin D's, a B6 vitamin, and I ginormous prenatal vitamin EVERY DAY. As soon as the next cycle starts I will add 3 soy vitamins a day on top of that. And, Oh yea, don't forget there are more on the way from the internet. There should be a True Life about me... "True Life: I am obsessed with getting pregnant" The truth is Matt and I really want to be able to conceive on our own... it's like we are too proud to go to the Dr. for all this. Plus, it's really expensive and insurance only covers "diagnosis only". I will however break down and call my Dr. in January. Something has to be done... we have been at this baby thing for almost a year and a half!

Thanks for putting up with all this.


Monday, November 30, 2009


Yea! I am so happy today! Wow, that rhymed, sorry.
Well, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I know I have a ton of things to be thankful for. Some of which include, my family, my friends, and especially my faith. Well, I am also very thankful that I went shopping with Matt on Black Friday. Waking up at 4 am alone would be totally boring anyway =) Getting to, shopping at, and waiting in line at, Wal-Mart, Herbergers (like Macy's), Target, and Fleet Farm all by 7:15 am.... Just let me say "WWWOOOOOWWWW!!!!" Anyhow, we got everything we wanted to get! Matt got two very warm new winter coats and I got my beloved TomTom and a few other things... hee hee.

There was one thing I could have left in Alexandria, MN... the stomach flu. =( All of Saturday night through Sunday, I was sick as a dog... I am much better today with no lasting effects. There are some smart, healthy people who didn't shop on Black Friday... but I bet they didn't get a deal on a new TomTom.

Enough with the weekend... I was a paraprofessional today. There were no teachers sick... there must have been no teachers shopping this weekend... ha ha ha

My Hubby is 28 now! Woo Hoo! I promised him he will be a daddy, or at least a daddy-to-be by the time he is 30. Did you hear that Uterus?! I am giving you 2 years... or else!

God bless you with a great day with the Lord!


Friday, November 20, 2009


So the fire in the apartment seems like God's way of telling us there are bigger and better things to come. I have been looking into getting a new place to live... hopefully not in an apartment complex, but there are really nice ones out there. There is pretty much nothing in Moorhead except a complex just blocks from where we are now... but we need to get out of that neighborhood! Everything nice is in Fargo. I don't want to move to Fargo because I would have to change my tax information in all 5 districts I teach in. I know that would be a pain! Oh well, maybe we can hold out for another couple of months or until the college students move out so we can really have something to choose from. We for sure need to move before a baby comes along.

As far as a baby is concerned, it didn't happen thus far. This cycle we are trying something new. I am going to take Soy Isoflavones. These are natures Clomid. Clomid is a perscription to help women ovulate... or release an egg. Because I haven't been releasing any eggs, maybe this time I will. We will have to wait and see.

Speaking of waiting, Matt's birthday in on Thanksgiving this year... along with my Aunt's ha ha. It is also our 2 1/2 anniversary! 6 days. I wish I had something to announce at the dinner table this year, like I wanted to announce last year (about a baby) but oh well, maybe for Christmas. Now we have to wait.

Teaching... well, today I am a music teacher! I am teaching French Horn, General Music, and Vocal Technique. General Music I can do, but as far as French Horn and Vocal Technique... not so much, I am kinda letting the students teach the class. I have some lesson plans, but there again, the students are kinda the ones teaching. Hopefully the rest of the day goes alright.


Bless all of you with a GREAT day with the Lord!


Friday, November 13, 2009

Vivace Piu Mosso

Our apartment complex was on fire this morning.
At around 5:15 this morning, Matt and i was awaken by the hallway fire alarm. At first we thought it was just pulled like someone was f-ing with it. As soon as we were decent, I sent Matt into the hallway to investigate. He came tearing in shouting, "We need to get out, there is smoke in the hallway!" I quickly grabbed my irreplaceable violin and ran out without socks and my coat not zipped. As soon as we got out I burst into tears. Matt and I absolutely hate where we live, but this morning was our ticket out. As I look at Matt, he has his parents on the phone. I called up my mom hysterically crying telling her what happened. While we waited, there was a police officer and fireman taking a man in handcuffs out of the building. I recognized him as the drug addict from apartment 1. The fire-people contained the fire right away and we got to go back in our apartments at around 6:30. I called and canceled my sub job today. Sitting here in the MSUM computer lab, I can still smell the smoke on my clothes and my coat.

Anyone renting out a house that we can move into?! We will NEVER live in an apartment complex ever again.

Bless you all with a great day with the Lord!
*half cadence*


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Today a student walked into the room and said, "Yes! The fun teacher is back!" That got me thinking. Is the regular teacher that bad, or am I that good? Either way, it made me feel really great. I told all the classes I will have a surprise for them tomorrow. I am going to bring my guitar and violin to school and demonstrate for the 1st and 2nd graders. For the 3rd, 4th and 5th I am going to do my famous Mozart lesson having them create lyrics to "Twinkle Twinkle". I can't wait!

My title for this post is for the mood I am in. I kinda feel run down. I have lost hope in this cycle to try and have a baby, but I am trying some new stuff next cycle so whatever... Also, today is a really long day for me because of Orchestra rehearsal. We are playing Beethoven triple concerto (violin, piano, and cello) and a Haydn something or other... with choir. Our concert is December 5th and 6th... I think... at First Pres. Church in Fargo.

So what if I advertise our concert.

Bless all of you with a great day with the Lord!

*insert favorite cadence here*


Monday, November 9, 2009


I know in Symphonic terms, presto is not after allegro, but I'm the composer, so I shall do what I wish.
Today I am weary, but hopeful. Yesterday I was feeling sick. Kinda like morning sickness sick. I have no idea if I am pregnant or not, but its a waiting game that I suck at playing. My temps are low, but well... its just hard to explain. I just wish I had answers NOW!

Teaching this week: I am an elementary music teacher this week. There is a teacher out for this whole week, and she requested me to sub for her... all week! The lesson plans are great too. We are basically going to play fun rhythm games and make a bunch of music. On Thursday and Friday, we are watching movies! It's easy and fun for me. I just can't wait!

The In-laws were here on Saturday. I had a really nice heart-to-heart conversation with my MIL. She was telling me how proud she was of Matt and I with our lives and finances. My MIL is a financial worker, so for her to tell us that our financial part of our life is something to be proud of... that's really great! I sometimes don't think so, but she doesn't have to know that. On that conversation train, I snuck in telling her Matt and I are well, not preventing pregnancy. I didn't tell her how hard we have been trying, but I did tell her we "might" get pregnant soon. She was ok with this decision, and kinda gave us her blessing... not that we need it, it's just nice to have family support.

Last piece, I found a book at "Savers" that is a devotional book for newly married couples. It is a weekly devotional, but it has "homework" in it for the whole week. After just reading the intro and 1st devotional, Matt and I really like it! I don't have the information in front of me... but I HIGHLY recommend it to any newly (within 5 years) married couples.

God bless all of you with a great day with the Lord! *Plagal Cadence*


Thursday, November 5, 2009


Off to a great start! Those of you that know me have realized there is nothing "normal" about me. I am a struggling violinist that just graduated college to become well, a substitute teacher. Not much of a life, but it's something. Now that students loans are kicking in, I am wondering why I chose this profession and not something that pays more. After a classroom full of striving students that just look cute, you come to believe it goes so much deeper than the money. Somehow I will come up with the money every month to pay those suckers off. It is totally worth it. The major advantage of subbing is only having to deal with bad students or a class once. Knowing that I will not be the teacher for this class tomorrow keeps my spirits up. On Monday, I sent two kids to the office for temper tantrums (1st graders) and on Tuesday, I sent a student to the office for swearing at another student and for wandering the halls (4th grader). Because I choose my own positions, I may never have to go to those rooms again! *Silent Cheer*

Another part of my life that I am not so "normal" in is well, my family life. No, I am not having marriage troubles. In fact, our marriage is closer than ever! There is nothing that can ever come between us... as far as I know. There is something that has been on our hearts for over a year now. We have been trying to have a child since August of 2008. Nothing, not even a miscarriage has occurred. As a couple, we have tired everything possible, even somethings that are not so recommended. However, we will start fertility testing very soon. As long as our budget will allow, we will do as much as possible, but if it comes to In-vetro fertilization, we will opt to adopt. We pray that it will not come to this.

Once we have the baby thing up and running and my oven is well, on, we will try looking into a new habitat. A new location would be great, a house would be required, but both would be fantastic! Then we can have our wonderful cat back. We miss Jasper, our curious, brave, and "badass" Jasper.

God bless all of you with a good day with the Lord! *Authentic Cadence*
