Friday, November 20, 2009


So the fire in the apartment seems like God's way of telling us there are bigger and better things to come. I have been looking into getting a new place to live... hopefully not in an apartment complex, but there are really nice ones out there. There is pretty much nothing in Moorhead except a complex just blocks from where we are now... but we need to get out of that neighborhood! Everything nice is in Fargo. I don't want to move to Fargo because I would have to change my tax information in all 5 districts I teach in. I know that would be a pain! Oh well, maybe we can hold out for another couple of months or until the college students move out so we can really have something to choose from. We for sure need to move before a baby comes along.

As far as a baby is concerned, it didn't happen thus far. This cycle we are trying something new. I am going to take Soy Isoflavones. These are natures Clomid. Clomid is a perscription to help women ovulate... or release an egg. Because I haven't been releasing any eggs, maybe this time I will. We will have to wait and see.

Speaking of waiting, Matt's birthday in on Thanksgiving this year... along with my Aunt's ha ha. It is also our 2 1/2 anniversary! 6 days. I wish I had something to announce at the dinner table this year, like I wanted to announce last year (about a baby) but oh well, maybe for Christmas. Now we have to wait.

Teaching... well, today I am a music teacher! I am teaching French Horn, General Music, and Vocal Technique. General Music I can do, but as far as French Horn and Vocal Technique... not so much, I am kinda letting the students teach the class. I have some lesson plans, but there again, the students are kinda the ones teaching. Hopefully the rest of the day goes alright.


Bless all of you with a GREAT day with the Lord!


1 comment:

  1. Oh! That means you subbed for Sarah Hanson! I student taught with her at Ben Franklin! That is exciting!
