Thursday, November 5, 2009


Off to a great start! Those of you that know me have realized there is nothing "normal" about me. I am a struggling violinist that just graduated college to become well, a substitute teacher. Not much of a life, but it's something. Now that students loans are kicking in, I am wondering why I chose this profession and not something that pays more. After a classroom full of striving students that just look cute, you come to believe it goes so much deeper than the money. Somehow I will come up with the money every month to pay those suckers off. It is totally worth it. The major advantage of subbing is only having to deal with bad students or a class once. Knowing that I will not be the teacher for this class tomorrow keeps my spirits up. On Monday, I sent two kids to the office for temper tantrums (1st graders) and on Tuesday, I sent a student to the office for swearing at another student and for wandering the halls (4th grader). Because I choose my own positions, I may never have to go to those rooms again! *Silent Cheer*

Another part of my life that I am not so "normal" in is well, my family life. No, I am not having marriage troubles. In fact, our marriage is closer than ever! There is nothing that can ever come between us... as far as I know. There is something that has been on our hearts for over a year now. We have been trying to have a child since August of 2008. Nothing, not even a miscarriage has occurred. As a couple, we have tired everything possible, even somethings that are not so recommended. However, we will start fertility testing very soon. As long as our budget will allow, we will do as much as possible, but if it comes to In-vetro fertilization, we will opt to adopt. We pray that it will not come to this.

Once we have the baby thing up and running and my oven is well, on, we will try looking into a new habitat. A new location would be great, a house would be required, but both would be fantastic! Then we can have our wonderful cat back. We miss Jasper, our curious, brave, and "badass" Jasper.

God bless all of you with a good day with the Lord! *Authentic Cadence*


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